Michigan, USA
bierdeman.chandler@gmail dot com
Award-winning Artist, Animator and Educator. With extensive experience in 2D television animation, and fx animation. Exceptional team leader with well developed interpersonal skills and communication. Citizen of USA, Permanent Resident of Canada.
• Fx Animation • 2d, 3d and Stop Motion Character Animation
• Character / Environment Concept and Development • Animator Talent Training • Teaching
Bachelor of Science (BS), Digital Media Arts-Animation, Huntington University, Huntington, IN
(May, 2011)
(May, 2011)
Lecturer at Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant Mi. (Jan 2018 - Current)
• Instructed “Digital Design” class which teaches students professional foundational working habits while
using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and Fusion 360.
using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and Fusion 360.
• Designed and instructed “Digital Animation” class. Students learn the fundamentals of tradigital
animation, and us those skills to animate within Adobe After Effects and Toon Boom Harmony.
animation, and us those skills to animate within Adobe After Effects and Toon Boom Harmony.
• Designed and Instructed new animation course, “Drawing for Animation 1”. This class advances students
in their knowledge of the principles of animation, strengthens their draftsmanship, and increases their
ability to work within Toon Boom Harmony as a digital animation pipeline.
in their knowledge of the principles of animation, strengthens their draftsmanship, and increases their
ability to work within Toon Boom Harmony as a digital animation pipeline.
• Presented animated short film “Hitchhiker’s Guide to Planet Earth: How to Read People’s Minds” to
CMU special education class. SPE 521, taught by Dr. Andrea Jasper PhD. This animated tool uses the
approachability and fun of animation to teach kids with Autism how to better read and interact with non
verbal communication. See “Short Films” for more details.
CMU special education class. SPE 521, taught by Dr. Andrea Jasper PhD. This animated tool uses the
approachability and fun of animation to teach kids with Autism how to better read and interact with non
verbal communication. See “Short Films” for more details.
• Professional work is presented in CMU Art Gallery as part of faculty art exhibit. (Aug 2018)
• Special speaker for opening of new touring library art exhibit. Graphic Medicine:Ill-Conceived and
Well-Drawn. (Jan 2019)
Well-Drawn. (Jan 2019)
• Provided live caricature illustrations along with 3 other animation students for entertainment during
St. Jude “Up Til Dawn” fundraiser celebration event. (Feb 2019)
St. Jude “Up Til Dawn” fundraiser celebration event. (Feb 2019)
Mentor for 212 by Artlink (Feb 2019 - Aug 2019)
• As a mentor I work with a team of recent animation college graduates to conceive and produce an animated
short film. This utilizes my technical knowledge of animation and supervisory skills from the industry as well
as my teaching and encouraging skills to lead a team to a finished goal.
short film. This utilizes my technical knowledge of animation and supervisory skills from the industry as well
as my teaching and encouraging skills to lead a team to a finished goal.
Freelance Art and Animation (2018-Current)
Illustrations and graphic designs for The Potter’s House: Family Worship Center (Fall 2018-2019)
- Bulletin images. postcard designs, poster designs, children’s coloring page, sermon projector backdrop, and promotional images and videos for social media usage.
Copernicus Studios Inc.
- Fx animation for Copernicus Studios pilot pitch teaser animation (May- June 2019)
- Fx animation for Universal Studios’ “Curious George” (March- April 2019)
- Fx animation for Copernicus Studios pilot pitch teaser animation (Jan-Feb 2019)
- Fx animation on Netflix show, “Trailer park boys” (2018-2019)
Copernicus Studios Inc. Halifax NS Canada (March 2015 - December 2017)
Fx Animator; Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House” (2017)
• Created high quality animated fx for Nickelodeon’s animated short.
Fx Supervisor / Retakes Supervisor; Disney Tv Animation, “Pickle and Peanut” Season 2
• As Fx supervisor, I collaborated closely with Disney creatives and team members to design appealing fx
that aligned fully with the show requirements.
• Provided direct supervision and feedback to freelance fx artists. Distributing scenes and importing completed files.
• As Retakes Supervisor, I would oversee and communicate revisions between my team and the Disney creatives.
• While fulfilling these roles I continually reviewed and critiqued completed scenes: Maintained the project
timeline: instructed team members in advancement of skills, and always encouraged and supported each
team member as workers and individuals.
Animation Supervisor / Fx Supervisor / Retakes Supervisor; Amazon Prime’s “Give a
Mouse a Cookie” The series (2016-2017)
• Give a Mouse a Cookie, Winner of Screen Nova Scotia award for Best Animated Series 2018
• As Animation Supervisor, I interpret storyboards and communicate to the animation team. Often
conversing with show creators for best expression of emotion and storytelling.
• A unique challenge of this production was it’s highly textured style. Therefore as aFx supervisor a creative
method of production was developed to create fx that seamlessly blended into the style of the show.
Fx Supervisor / Retakes Supervisor; Amazon Prime’s “Give a Mouse a Cookie Christmas
Special” (2016)
Key Animator / Retakes Supervisor / Fx Supervisor; Disney Tv Animation “Pickle and
Peanut” Season 1 (2015-2016)
• Pickle & Peanut Season 1, Winner of Screen Nova Scotia award for Best Animated Series 2017
• As a Key animator, I created dynamic character animation for all characters, including the leads Pickle and Peanut.
SkyVu Entertainment, Omaha Nebraska (Aug, 2013 - Dec, 2014)
Lead 2D Character Animator
•Create fun and dynamic animation.
•Instruct team members of animation tools and direction throughout scene and sequence.
General 2D Artist
•Create 2D textures for 3D models used in mobile game.
•Concept art for characters, weapons, and wardrobe.
•Marketing art, Splash screen illustration, UI elements, and game icon art.
Freelance Art and Animation (2009 - 2014)
•“Metro 10 Miler” logo/ “Albion Running Club” logo (2014)
•Banner/Logo and tshirt design for Albion Strawberry Festival, (2010, 11, 13)
•"Hitchhiker’s Guide to Planet Earth: How to Read People's Minds" ebook. (2012)
•Banner/logo design for musician, (2012)
•Illustrations for parenting skills training, (2011)
•Major illustration for historical fiction novel, White Heart, (2009)
Lono Wood Art Company, Albion, NY (May, 2010-August, 2010)
• With Adobe Illustrator, designed three dimensional signs.
•Constructed computer designed signs in wood shop.
Short Films ___________________________________________________________________________
2014 “Ploppers” Tradigital 2D animated film. 2 Minutes; Co-creator and lead animator and
background painter.
• 2015 Official Selection Chicago Children's international Film Festival.
2012 “Hitchhiker’s Guide to Planet Earth: How to Read People’s Minds” Tradigital 2D
animated film. 8 minutes. Producer, lead animator, and background Painter.
• 2D educational short film to service children with autism.
• Best animation nomination: Brownfish Short Film Festival NYC 2012
• Currently being translated into Spanish.
2011 “What Remains” 3D animated film. 5 minutes; Art Director, character animator, and
background painter.
•Best short College Student Animation Kidz Filmz Fest at the Garden State Festival, 2012
•Silver Award: Fort Wayne American Advertising Federation’s Addy Awards. 2012
2011 “The Minstrel and the Duck” Stop Motion film. 4 minutes. Puppet animator, set
creator, 2d fx artist.
• Official Selection: Moving Things Festival Cape Town, South Africa. 2011
• Best College Film: Kidz Filmz Festival. New Jersey. 2011
• Finalist: New York Children’s Film Festival. New York. 2011
2010 "Light Bringer" 3D animated film. 2 minutes; Art Director, and Animator
Special Projects _____________________________________________________________________• Coffee shop drawing excursions with CMU animation students. These enjoyable outings grow students observational skills and quick caricaturing draftsmanship skills.
• “Hitchhiker’s…” short film translated into spanish by CMU spanish department.
• Teaching PaxKids children’s lessons at Pax North Church Halifax. (2017)
• Lead independent figure drawing class while at Huntington University.
Software ______________________________________________________________________________