Monday, February 15, 2010

A Drawing a Day

In class the other day we video chatted with the Art director of Cartoon Network, Jeremy. We got see some of his stuff and here his methods of how he does what he does. He then talked about how he does a drawing a day before he starts work. I have always wanted to get in the habit of doing that. So with the push that he gave I am going to try and post A Drawing a Day

Here is todays. I was going for something with extreme perspective. So I went with the ants view of a runner

1 comment:

Ryan Paxton said...

Cool dude. I like that a lot of us are doing this drawing-a-day thing. I am enjoying it so far...though today is the first day so I can't say I'm going to be perfect at keeping true to it. Feel free to check mine out. It's centered on the female figure. I'd like to perfect it.